
... a mystic bond of brotherhood

makes all men one."



Who's Sick?

An Episode

I Met Her, a poem

The Human Hybrid Discussion, Anyone? The Very Fine Line Subway Faces, a poem There Comes A Time

Confessions To A Window.

Letter To A Newcomer

The Lonely Ones

I Built A Castle, a poem

Cafe Saturday Night Letters

Volume Two

Number Two

February 1954


page 4

page 6

Chr. Hilsum-Beuckens

page 9

D. M. Woods

page 10

M. F.

page 11

B. L.

page 12

Pauline Barnes

page 13

Marta D'Angelo

page 14


page 16

Sten Russell

page 18

Ann Arthur

page 20

Noel H. Bustard

page 23

Inez Wagner

page 24

page 26

Cover by Quinn

ONE Magazine is published monthly at twenty-five cents per copy (plus postage for mailing): subscriptions are two-fifty per year, two years for four dollars, one year first class sealed three-fifty, two years first class sealed six dollars in the United States and Canada: all other countries three-fifty per year. Single copies are twenty-seven cents by regular mail, thirty-one for first class. Publication offices: 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12, California. Editor: Dale Jennings. Editorial Staff: Eve Elloree, Ann Carll Reid, Ben Tabor. Contributing Editors: James Barr, Donald Webster Cory, Donald Slater. Business Manager: William Lambert. Not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts unless stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Copyright 1954 by ONE, Inc., Los Angeles, California.